
Welcome to the home of all things regarding Westermayer pianos. The site is currently under construction as we compile information, photos and documents related to the Ed. Westermayer piano company and the pianos they produced.

Why Westermayer? Because they were an unusual company in many ways, at the forefront of pushing the evolution of the piano forward in the 19th century. And, as opposed to the other great movers and shakers in the industry, Westermayer and his/their exploits are not widely known. This site aims to change that.

You can help us!

Do you own a Westermayer piano or do you know of one?

Do you have access to documents, images, patents related to Westermayer?

Send us a few pictures and some concrete information:
(height of upright piano, or length of grand piano, serial number, location etc)

One of our goals is to compile a registry of extant Westermayers.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact us at 
